About Me

 My name is Steven Alaniz. I am from Kingsville Texas. I am lucky enough to have a great college here in my hometown so I can attend. which makes it so cheap for me because I don't have to spend money on a dorm or apartment and things like that. I live with my mom and my dad here at home. I have two brothers and I am the middle child. I lived here my whole life. I am twenty years old and currently a sophomore here at Texas A&M University of Kingsville. As I grew up, I did not realize what I wanted to do until much later right when it got to my senior year of high school. I decided I wanted to be a teacher and a coach for a high school. I played sports my entire life such as basketball football and I ran track. My coaches throughout high school were all teachers. As a student that motivated me to become one myself. Because I knew it would be something I enjoyed doing. All of my coaches were history teachers so that's what I chose I wanted to do. They made me enjoy the subject and why I love history. I am majoring in history and minoring in English. Also, with getting my teaching certification. I did not realize I wanted to minor in English until I got up too my first year of college. I realized I enjoyed writing and analyzing the literature even in movies. After I graduate, I want to pursue the teaching field later in life and try to for my masters and become a principal or an athletic director. 


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